Friday, January 23, 2009


The church of the Dominicans in Avrillé. The hamlet is close to the river Loire and the town of Angers.

The Dominicans recently purchased this mansion. It's used as a boarding highschool. The interior is really fascinating, but school was out so there were no lights working.

The monastery complex as a whole. The cloister is attached to the church and the smaller buildings closer to the camera are used as classrooms and a boarding middle school.

Here's a picture in which you can see the roof of the church. It was painted, but it was abandoned for years and that took its toll. The painting over the altar is best preserved and is loosely based on the ark of the covenant's design. It depicts Mary holding the child Jesus flanked by two angels.

Here's me studying in my room. It's a little cramped.

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